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<text>To join AMUG print this card and fill it out. Then mail it with your check or money order made out to AMUG(Arizona Macintosh Users Group). Mail it to : AMUG Membership PO Box 10593 Scottsdale, AZ 85271</text>
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<text><span class="style5">IRUS</span><span class="style1">BootBlock Writer SystemBundAid 1.0Disinfectant 2.5.1DiskFirstAid 1.3DiskTimer IIDMFIXFix DeskTop 2.0FixData 1.0FloppyFixer 1.0Gatekeeper Aid 1.1Vaccine v1.0.1Virus Encyclopedia</span><span class="style5">Virus II</span><span class="style1">Gatekeeper 1.2.1GuardDog 2.3HyperVirus 1.4NVIR RepairRepair MacWriteRival 9-17-91SerialFixVirus Definitions for SAM </span><span class="style5">Virus III</span><span class="style1">Intro to Viruses 2.3Virus Blockade II Ltd 2.0Virus MonitorVirus Rx1.6</span><span class="style5">Virus IV</span><span class="style1">Postscript Vaccine 1.03VirusDetective 5.0</span></text>
<text>AMUG has 7 Best of... Clip Art Disks. Since names cannot fully describe the pictures, See the Disk Librarians and ask to see the Clip Art Index Book. This book shows the contents of ALL the Clip Art Disks</text>
<text><span class="style5">OUNDS</span><span class="style1">Soundmaster 1.6ArcadeBells of EternityBeetlegeuseBoom! Oooooh…!Butthead!“Bye”DrumFemale “Hi!”Game over, man!Had enough, ay!Hi ThereI order you to be...I’m being repressedI warned youInsert DiskJazz PianoK.LetmeoutahereKlaxonNice SoftwarePersonality Prob.Parker NightPukeRicochetRoboticSambaSonarSpace GunTaunt you a secondTympani RollTypeKeyTypeReturnType SpaceWelcome</span><span class="style5">SOUNDS II</span><span class="style1">Soundmaster 1.6AmadeusBassoon & ‘BoneBetter BoingBingBreaking GlassCasio (try me)Clint EastwoodDon’t go yet…Drop of WaterGo ahead, make myHave you been studying?Laughing WarningTennis?Tympani (2)What do we have</span><span class="style5">SOUNDS III</span><span class="style1">Soundmaster 1.6Deep ThoughtEddie ComputerHorsesIdiot!MacFartTa Ta for nowSelf Destruct…Sledge FluteWild WillyYeah, Yeah, That’s</span><span class="style5">SOUNDS IV</span><span class="style1">Soundmaster 1.6Change Your MindCrash!Don’t be ridicerousEnd of Line (2)Go ahead…Greetings Program!How do you feelIllegal ExitKeaggy beepLook up in the sky…Magic (2)Nyuk NyukSambaSo Very DisappointedThis Chic Is ToastTrying to thinkWelcomeWhat???WOOBWOOBYabba Dabba DoYYYYessss</span><span class="style5">SOUNDS V</span><span class="style1">A contrary positionBeepShuffle (appl.)CrossCrossQuite an insultLooney Toons folderSoundPlay (appl.)Shut your festering…This is abuseYr type really makes…</span></text>
<text><span class="style5">BS FILES</span><span class="style1">A comprehensive listing of all items/files available on the AMUG BBS</span></text>
<text>if we can get an attractive membership price.Don’t forget the QuickTime contest! Two hundred (200) AMUG bucks will buy a lot of AMUG products and this could be the answer to filling in your Macintosh library or disk collection! Be sure and check the newsletter to make sure you get your entry in before the deadline.The Microsoft special $99 offer was certainly a big hit! Thanks, Microsoft!! Hopefully some other software folks will get the message! (hint, hint). This offer expired on March 21st and a LOT of members took advantage of it as we gave out a bunch of forms.I want to say thanks to my hero, who wrote this months’s column. I have been swamped with other obligations so he volunteered. </text>
<text>Let’s all cheer him on to write again! Lea Bromley </text>
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<text>and they will reappear, probably in the Utilities series, soon. Three specialty items are being introduced at the March meeting: t he World Fact Book, Roget’s Thesaurus and the Complete Works of Shakespeare. The World Fact Book is a 3 disk set that profiles all the world’s countries and comes complete with maps of each. Roget’s Thesaurus is 1.7 megs when uncompacted and is the old standby thesaurus that’s been around for ages. The Shakespeare set comes on four 800k disks and is over 6 megs when extracted. These should all be great for any of you students out there in Mac world (and even you hobbyists!).The AMUG CLUBHOUSE is gaining in popularity! Our west Phoenix people have been especially verbal in their appreciation of it’s location , facilities and services. IT IS NICE to be able to go to a </text>
<text>specific location BETWEEN meetings andpick out disks, books, T-shirts, CDs, etc. Again, please let us know about particular services you’d like to have available. If you haven’t stopped by, please do so soon! Clubhouse hours are 10 to 6 Monday – Saturday. Every effort is being made to keep these hours but occasionally, they are jiggled a bit. The Clubhouse is at 806 E. Amelia, Phoenix and the phone number is 277-5006. (One block south of Indian School and one block east of 7th St.). STOP BY!!!!!AMUG books continue to be a big hit with all members. The Word 5.0 Companion is on order and hopefully made it in time for the March general meeting. If you hear of some other good books that would enhance the AMUG collection, let us know and we will see </text>
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<text>Best Of is gearing up for another major disk revision! Most Macintosh software is now System 7.0 “savvy” and we want AMUG’s Best Of… to be on the leading edge. This is a gigantic undertaking with over 140 titles now and it is growing daily. So only a few titles will be introduced at a time. We are interested in your input!!!! If you have a favorite shareware program, let us know and we will consider it for the Best Of… collection.</text>
<text>This month the Virus set has been updated. We thought this would be a good starting point as the IBM world has helped us with all the publicity about the Michaelangelo and Friday the 13th viruses. There were a lot of anxious Mac users out there for awhile until they learned that both were DOS based viruses! IBM’ers have their hands full with over 1000 viruses prowling around. We should be grateful we only have around 40 or 50 of the little critters!Three major revisions appear in the Virus set: (1) Disinfectant 2.6, (2) Virus Detective 5.02 and GateKeeper 1.2.4. In addition updated definitions for SAM and Rival have been added and an updater for Virex has also been included. The Virus I disk lost a few items that really weren’t related to viruses </text>
<name>Best of...</name>
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<text><span class="style5">pril 25, 1992 (Saturday)</span><span class="style1">Hands-on intermediate Canvas 3.0 (no beginners please), from 9:30 to 12:00 Noon at Phoenix College (first of two sessions). You do not need to bring a computer as the facility has them.</span><span class="style5">May 2, 1992 (Saturday)</span><span class="style1">Hands-on Advanced Canvas 3.0 (no beginners please), from 9:30 to 12:00 Noon at Phoenix College (second of two sessions). You do not need to bring a computer as the facility has them.</span><span class="style5">May 6, 1992</span><span class="style1">Differences between Microsoft Word 4 and 5. from 6:00 to 8:30 PM at Phoenix College. You do not need to bring a computer as the facility has them.</span><span class="style5">May 9, 1992</span><span class="style1">Pyle Recreation Center</span></text>
<text><span class="style5">ay 13, 1992</span><span class="style1">Phoenix College</span><span class="style5">May 23, 1992</span><span class="style1">Pyle Recreation Center</span><span class="style5">June 13, 1992</span><span class="style1">Phoenix College (probable, Call for info)?? Fonts - Gary</span><span class="style5">June 27, 1992</span><span class="style1">Pyle Recreation Center ?? System 7 tips and techniques</span></text>
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<text><span class="style11"></span><span class="style5">MUG </span><span class="style11">A</span><span class="style5">nnounces:</span><span class="style17">A New Series of Classes</span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style5">Training Coordinator</span><span class="style1">:Dorman Bullard (telephone: days at 379-6168) Other Instructors as noted.</span><span class="style5">Where</span><span class="style1">: At the Pyle Recreation Center in Tempe, on Southern at Rural (on the south side of the street next to the library) and Phoenix College Library, on 15th Ave. at Thomas Rd.</span><span class="style5">Cost:</span><span class="style1"> As indicated in Schedule. Normally free at Pyle and $5.00 at Phoenix College to AMUG members. $30.00 and $35.00 to Non-Members.Training Meetings and Classes:</span><span class="style5">Time</span><span class="style1">: All sessions are 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM or 6:00 PM to 8:00 or 9:00 PM.</span></text>
<text><span class="style5">hen</span><span class="style1">: Dates, Times, and Subjects as shown below.</span><span class="style5">Equipment</span><span class="style1">: In general bringing your Mac is not necessary.The AMUG Training Schedule is Starting to Firm-up!!We have finally pinned-down the dates for classes at Phoenix College, which has allowed us to start firming-up our training plans for 1992. The College is located at 1202 W. Thomas Rd. Park in the 15th Avenue Parking lot just west of Thomas Rd. he classes are in the basement of the Library Building (Building L).We are listing the schedule below. The other classes are at the Pyle Recreation center, as noted.</span></text>
<name>AMUG Training</name>
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<text><span class="style1">olume (tracks,values), transpose (tracks,values), mute (tracks), unMute (tracks)</span><span class="style5">Functions</span><span class="style1">status, fileInfo, trackInfo, version, notesOn, getHex</span><span class="style5">Licensing</span><span class="style1">(My summary of a two page contract.) Personal use — free Educational use —free to $250 per application Commercial use — $250 to $500 per application</span><span class="style5">What Where They Thinking?</span><span class="style1">OPCODE wrote a really great set of MIDI XCMDs. Then a sample stack was needed to illustrate the use of the XCMDs. It appears, the HyperCard programmer lost track of the goal and tried to recreate a MIDI sequencer in HyperCard. </span></text>
<text>OPCODE MIDIPLAY</text>
<text><span class="style1">he sequencer is terrible—one of the most inappropriate uses of HyperCard I’ve ever seen. Unbelievably, the sample stack and the help stack are locked and password protected so you can’t figure out how the sample works. </span><span class="style5">To Buy or Not to Buy</span><span class="style1">If you need basic MIDI control within HyperCard, SuperCard or MacroMind Director and are comfortable writing scripts that use XCMD’s, then OPCODE’s MIDIplay is a reasonable option.If you want to create a sequencer to compete with TRAX or EZ Vision, then I suggest you learn to use MacApp.</span></text>
<text><span class="style1">he button feedback problem is especially critical because the XMCDs sometimes take a second or two to begin to play a song. This delay occurs when a song is first opened and loaded into memory. Other buttons aren’t activated by mouse clicks but by holding the mouse down for a half a second or so.</span><span class="style5">Documentation Is HyperCard Based</span><span class="style1">The only significant documentation is provided in a HyperCard help stack. The first half of the documentation is wasted on the poorly implemented features of the sample stack. Once you get past the first 40 cards in the documentation stack, you will find the documentation for the XCMDs. The descriptions are simple, clear and concise. The only negative is the XCMD’s are not installed in the help stack so it isn’t possible to test functions while the </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">ocumentation is on the screen. (After purchase, you should immediately install the XCMD’s into the help stack.) Following is a summary of the functions provided by the XCMDs to provide an idea of supported features. </span><span class="style5">MIDIplay commands</span><span class="style1">open (file), close (file), setup (port), panic, xmit (string as MIDI data), suffix (file type), start, stop, continue, seek (seconds or measures)</span><span class="style5">MIDIplay Settings</span><span class="style1">segment (start,end), loop (count,start,end), speed (%), masterVolume (value), masterTranspose (value), channel (track to channel), program (track to channel), </span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">IDIplay is a HyperCard based product that allows HyperCard stacks to control a MIDI synthesizer. It also works (per OPCODE) with applications such as SuperCard, MacroMind Director and Plus. I found it to work with various combinations of recent systems (including 7.0), Apples MIDI Manager, the last three versions of HyperCard, and on both a 4 meg Mac+ and an 8 meg IIci.</span><span class="style5">The XCMD’s Work</span><span class="style1">If you need HyperCard MIDI control capabilities, the XCMD’s in OPCODE’s package will do the job. Learning the capabilities of the XCMD’s will be a very frustrating experience—not because the XCMD’s are hard to use but because of the poor design of the sample and the documentation.</span><span class="style5">Difficult to Navigate</span><span class="style1">All navigation is difficult. Following is just </span></text>
<text>one example. Changing the instrument assignments for a song requires moving from the song card to a “Navigation” card, clicking on a “Track Setup” button, arriving at the “Track Setup” card, clicking on a button which brings up another set of buttons and finally changing the track assignment. Returning to the card you started from is just as complicated. Nonstandard InterfaceThe designer of the sample stack frequently violates HyperCard and Macintosh interface conventions. The “back” arrow returns the user to unpredictable places—not the index, not the main card for the current song, not the most recent card visited. Many buttons don’t have user feedback such as setting the cursor to “watch” or highlighting the button. </text>
<name>OPCODE MIDIPLAY</name>
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<text>unfamiliar word, like in 4.0, this one will stop on every instance of the same word unless you specifically tell it to “Ignore All”. Not a bad feature when you get used to it. The new spell checker will automatically question duplicate words and punctuation marks — in case you hiccuped when typing — as well as words that run together.This review is more of an overview of the more obvious changes and improvements in Word 5.0. There is so much to this package, as I said in the beginning I am finding new things almost every time I get into the software. The one big problem that I have run across is the inability to place Word 5.0 documents smoothly into PageMaker. I understand from an article in MacUser (April, 1992) that Aldus is developing a filter to correct this problem, but until that is available, the only way to get around the problem is to open your </text>
<text>Word 5.0 documents in Word 4.0, save them in RTF format and place them into PageMaker. You can save them in RTF format in Word 5.0, but you will lose things like bullets, em-dashes and smart quotes if you do. The article in MacUser also said that the average user of Word 4.0 didn’t need to bother upgrading unless she or he needed the specific features of System 7, however, I think that the price of the upgrade ($129 unless you were able to take advantage of the user group special of $99) is worth the bit of time it will take to get used to the new features in this program. The click and drag method of rearranging paragraphs, the mail merge feature and the ribbon all make word processing easier and faster. </text>
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<text>It is a lot easier to set up your preferences in Word 5.0 — simply select “Preferences” from the Tools menu and you are presented with a dialogue box that is similar to the control panel (with the icons on the left for the different tools available). I did find there were a few more tools in this version – some that are slow and a bit cumbersome to use, like the grammar checker. I tried it a couple of times and decided not to use it because it seemed to not quite understand the context I was using and stopped on several perfectly correct sentences.Some other handy features in the Preferences box include setting the default font — no longer do you have to go into Styles to do this chore. The Open and Save tool will allow you to set a timer that goes off and asks you if you want to save the document you are working on. Great idea for those of us who type for hours at a time and tend to forget that little task. (How </text>
<text><span class="style1">any times have you crashed after working for quite a while and lost several pages?) I set my save reminder for 20 minutes, but you can set for virtually any amount of time that you want to. The timer will ask if you want to Save Now? or postpone saving for a few more minutes. Sometimes it is a bit bothersome to have that little dialog box jump out at you if you are creating on-screen — you could loose your train of thought. Set it for longer save intervals if that is the way you work.</span><span class="style5">The Spell Checker</span><span class="style1">The new spell checker is pretty good — but again, slow. There are more words than in the old dictionary and more options when using the spell checker. Instead of remembering the spelling of an unfamiliar </span></text>
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<text>are looking for. I tried this and it took about 60 seconds to scan all readable files before it came up with the one I wanted.Another new feature, one that I haven’t tried much because I am still hooked into my Works database for mail merges, is the Print Merge Helper. By selecting the Helper, you can create the data file, link it to a document, which then allows you insert the correct syntax for merging data fields. A great improvement over the old way of typing angled brackets around the data fields. I will have to spend more time on this one, as I have several databases for several clients that I am continually printing labels or merges of some kind. As I promised, here is the ribbon, a new and very handy addition to Word. (To have your documents open with the ribbon and the ruler, choose View in the Preferences Tool Box.) By clicking on the buttons in the </text>
<text><span class="style1">ibbon, you can change the number of columns you are using, turn bold, italics and underline on and off, have access to your fonts and font sizes and even choose a mini drawing feature. Since I just installed System 7 this past week (whew! that was an experience — one I may write about another time), I haven’t been able to take full advantage of the System 7 enhancements. However, according to the manual, Word 5.0 does support Publish and Subscribe, True Type Fonts, Apple events and Balloon Help. As the deadline for this article is fast approaching, I have tried Balloon Help — a pretty slick tool for when I am teaching Word to my clients.</span><span class="style5">The Preferences Window:</span></text>
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<text>when typing, but often like to turn them on when looking at the spacing, etc., of my work. I was used to using “Command-Y” to toggle this feature on and off. “Command-Y” is now a repeat typing function. To toggle the ¶ marks on and off in 5.0, you simply click the ¶ symbol on the new ribbon which appears above the ruler on your document (more about the ribbon later) or “Command-J” will now show the ¶ marks; “Command-J” in Version 4.0 was “Repaginate Now” — which is now buried in the Tools menu in Version 5.0.Another change is the way you access and use the footers and headers. Headers and footers were moved to the “View” menu and I find this not quite as handy as they were in the old version. (However, it is all in what you are used to — I was recently giving a Word lesson to a client who has Version 4 on her Classic and I found myself </text>
<text>looking for the “View” menu to access the footer — how soon we forget!) I like to see the ruler in the footer and header windows, but in 5.0, you have to select ruler each time you open the header or footer (same with the ribbon) — I have not figured out if there is a way you can set the headers and footers to open with the ribbon and ruler (as Version 4.0 would allow).You have the option in this version of entering summary information into your document by selecting “Summary Info . . .” under the File menu. Type in the title of your document, a few key words, the subject of the document along with the author’s name. Then, when you want to find the file in a hurry and can’t quite remember where you filed it, select the “Find File” option under the File menu and type in the keywords or the subject of the document you </text>
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<text>“Yes!” I enthusiastically replied when Lea Bromley asked me if I would please take the time to review Microsoft Word 5.0. I had been waiting for the upgrade to my Version 4.0 and was really excited to explore all the new features I had heard about in this powerful program. I use a Mac Classic, one of the first ones on the market, with 4 Mb RAM and an 80 Mb external hard drive. I spend lots of hours in front of my Mac every day, about half the time I am in Microsoft Word.Each time I upgrade my software, it takes awhile (sometimes days) to find where everything is and to discover the new features. This was true with Version 5.0 (the part about taking days to find the differences — it’s been weeks and I still find something new every once in awhile). Version 5.0 is easy to use and has several features that are time savers as well as problem solvers. The new features in </text>
<text><span class="style1">his version really make paying the price to upgrade worth it ($129.00 for registered Word users). Being able to select portions of text and drag them to other places in the document is so much faster than the old cut and paste routine. The manual that comes with the software is as good as any I’ve ever used, and I have to admit I don’t use manuals a lot — I have always found the Macintosh interface to be so easy to use that I use manuals usually only as a last resort. However, when I did resort to the manual to answer some questions, I found the information easy to locate and was able to solve the problem fairly easily.</span><span class="style5">Changes from 4.0</span><span class="style1">One of the things that was changed is the old “Command-Y” sequence. I don’t use ¶ marks </span></text>
<name>Word 5.0</name>
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<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text>appreciated services). The Deneba technician diagnosed the problem as not enough printer memory. He also said that Texas Instruments will be coming out with a new printer driver soon. My printer, having a measly 1.5 megs of RAM, certainly falls into the minimal memory category. Canvas’ handling of printing seems to be more bulky than other comparable programs, which will print to my printer if I don’t use too many effects. Despite the above problems, I recommend Canvas 3.0 to anyone looking for an all-around graphics program or to those who need the ability to move among several graphics formats. It is a very well-thought-out program that successfully addresses a large number of problems that crop up in many types of graphics creation.</text>
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<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text>program? Well, yeah, there are a few things. F’rinstance, Canvas continues in the QuickDraw program tradition of using a predefined page size. I like to be able to set the exact dimensions of my layout. Also, it can make bleeds a real pain. Next, there is no direct import or export for Freehand files. Documents can be exported as EPS files in Freehand and opened in Canvas, but they are largely uneditable. Files saved in the Illustrator 1.1 format are supposed to be openable in Freehand, but Canvas’ version of Illustrator 1.1 won’t open in my version Freehand (2.02). I have to open them in Illustrator, save them as Illustrator 1.1 with color Macintosh screen display and then open them in Freehand. These Illustrator 1.1 (and Illustrator 88) files open properly in Illustrator 3.0, though. Canvas does not support spot color separations, something I use a lot.In the technical illustration department, </text>
<text>the dimensioning tool seems to have somewhat of a glitch. You create dimensions by clicking on start and end points of the length to be measured. Then Canvas measures this length and one final click places that dimension on your drawing. But if you have zoomed in to an area of your drawing to dimension an object, and then zoom out again, the dimension may change at the smaller screen size. Fortunately, You can convert dimensions to objects, which turns the dimension into a text object.One other problem. I could not get my printer to print even a rectangle from Canvas. This prompted a call to Canvas technical support. They have an 800 number and the wait to talk to a technician was not extremely long (two very nice and very </text>
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<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text><span class="style1"> The Smart Mouse feature includes about a dozen functions that help in precision drawing. When Smart Mouse is on, various small icons indicate when an object you are drawing or dragging meets the Smart Mouse constraints you have set. You can set the priority in which the Smart Mouse constraints will be activated. • There are 18 pre-defined industry standard hatch patterns. Yes, these patterns can be customized, too.</span><span class="style5">EVALUATION</span><span class="style1">With all these features, reviewing the program is a mind-boggling task. I’ve used just about all the features to see how they work and how well they work. Every time I refer to the manual, I discover something new that I missed before. However, I think I can make some generalizations and some specific comments as well. All in all, I’m really impressed with what Canvas can do. It seems that Deneba has taken some time </span></text>
<text>to talk with graphic designers, technical illustrators and other users of drawing programs to find what they like and dislike about the programs they currently use, and has attempted to incorporate a lot of that information into this new version of Canvas. While using the program, I frequently notice a feature or way of doing something that causes me to think “Wow, It’s about time someone did this.” Examples: Ready-made register marks positionable anywhere on the page, guides that don’t get in the way of object handles, MacrObjects that can be added over and over to a document without having to go through the Scrapbook one at a time, just to name a few that readily come to mind.Is there anything I don’t like about this </text>
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<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text><span class="style1"> particularly liked the ability to import and export CGM files, since I have occasion to create graphics for that other computer platform. I was able to export files from Corel Draw! in CGM format and open them in Canvas with little loss of information. I could also create files in Canvas, save them as CGM and import them to Corel. The main glitch is that all typefaces default to the same font and line weights tend to be kind of quirky. But color information seems to be preserved accurately.</span><span class="style5">System 7</span><span class="style1">• Canvas supports System 7 Publish and Subscribe and Balloon Help. Since I’m running System 6.07, I’ll have to pass on rating these features.• Canvas is also the only program at this writing which truely supports Apples’s IAC</span><span class="style5">Text Handling</span></text>
<text><span class="style1"> Lots of text handling goodies, as mentioned above. Adobe Type Manager is not necessary to convert text to outlines.Slide shows• You can create simple animations in Canvas using the slide and layers functions. By assigning objects to different layers and cycling through the layers at a predefined time delay, motion effects can be created.</span><span class="style5">Technical Illustration</span><span class="style1">• Dimensions can be created to conform to any of five international standards. Dimension settings are editable through the Dimension Manager. The user can set such attributes as type (linear, radial, etc.), precision, leaders, tolerance, units and scale. You can create baseline or chain dimensions, too.</span></text>
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<text>Canvas 3.0</text>
<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text>from the toolbox, making them quicker to use. A welcome feature is the ability to center objects with respect to the page.• Calligraphic pen effects can be used in QuickDraw mode by selecting a pen size which has height different from width. Arrowheads can be customized; several default shapes are built in. Dash patterns of lines are also customizable.• The usual array of fill patterns is available, plus gradient fills which can be customized. Among the user-definable options is the ability to set the center of a fill. • RGB, process and Pantone color sets make color definition compatible for print or audio-visual applications. You can also create your own color palettes.• An interesting and useful feature is the combine function. It allows the user to combine several objects in several ways including:* outline – creates an outline object </text>
<text>around the selected objects* ADD – joins two objects where they overlap* intersect – removes everything except shared portions of two or more objects* subtract – A portion of bottom objects is removed by an object covering them.* slice – topmost object “cuts” objects underneath it, creating two or more objectsImport/Export• Canvas supports a wide array of file formats: Canvas, Canvas 2.1, Canvas Prefs (if you want to save document settings for use as a template), CGM, DXF, IGES, Illustrator 1.1 and 88, EPS, MacPaint, PICT and PICT 1, Separations (saves 4-color separations as a single file, 4 separate files or 5 separate files in the DCS format), StartupScreen, TIFF, or UltraPaint. Whew! </text>
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<text>Canvas 3.0</text>
<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text>• Zoom in or out 32x. Zoom in/out to 14x in 1x increments: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x etc. You can define a particular view of a portion of your document page to which you can then return by choosing from the menu.• Horizontal and vertical guides pull out from rulers. You can grab an object handle that is resting on top of a guide and drag it without dragging the guide. Rulers can be peeled away from the edges of the window and placed anywhere within the document.• Tear-off menus: zillions of tear-off menus and submenus.• Tools can be loaded or not using Tool Picker. This is convenient if you have limited memory or want to increase speed or open large documents.• Information bar tells x- and y-coordinates, changes in dimension and angles in whichever measurement system you’re using, including architectural.Drawing Tools• The standard drawing tools—rectangles,</text>
<text> ovals, lines, arcs, polygons plus bezier curves and freehand drawing.There are a lot of options available in editing points and control points. This means a lot of commands to remember. I’m used to working in Freehand, so working with Canvas’ beziers becomes a matter of relearning methods of controlling points. I refer to the handy Quick Reference Card frequently. The person starting out with Canvas as a first bezier program will enjoy its precision editing of control points. • An object tools palette lets you draw stars or “multigons” with any number of points, 3-D rectangles, parallel lines and user-defined grids. You can put register marks anywhere on the document with the register mark tool. • Simple alignment options are accessible </text>
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<text>Canvas 3.0</text>
<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text>The experienced user will appreciate the fact that the bulk of the manual is arranged as a reference, to be accessed as needed. Commands and procedures are listed in alphabetical order. I found it easy to use.The person who hates manuals will be happy to know that Canvas possesses an Online Help feature, accessible through the Apple menu It does away with frequent trips to the manual. It uses a Hypercard-like format in which clicking on the icon of the desired tool brings up an information box which tells you about the tool.EASE OF USEMy approach to learning a new program is to discover how it is similar to and where it is different from other programs that I already know how to use. I read the manual to learn new features and tools as I need </text>
<text>them. (Nothing I like better than curling up with a good manual.) If I use a tool or command a lot, I memorize it and if I don’t use it often, I refer back to the manual when I need it. Using this method, I found Canvas fairly easy to learn.FEATURESSince it takes up 5 megs of Hard Drive space, you’d expect Canvas to be loaded with features and it is. Okay, so what are all these many and wonderful features? It really seems that the people at Deneba have been listening to gripes and suggestions from graphics program users of all types. Here’s a list which is by no means exhaustive, but will give you an idea of what Canvas can do.General</text>
<name>Review #4</name>
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<text>Canvas 3.0</text>
<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text>to AutoCad’s Osnap mode in function. It allows the user to snap to predefined attributes such as midpoint of a line or side of an object, tangent of a circle or draw a line segment of a specified length.Canvas’ text handling capabilities are impressive, too. You can set tabs within text paragraphs, wrap text inside or outside a shape, bind text to an object or slant the margins of a text block. It has a spell checker and you can convert Type 1 and TrueType fonts to bezier curves.Another feature is MacrObjects which lets you save frequently used objects as macros. These user-created objects are saved in sets which can be loaded into or cleared from the document as needed.MANUALSo okay, this program is filled with features. It must be a pain to learn, right? </text>
<text>Well, that depends. If you have a good background with drawing programs and perhaps a little page layout or word processor experience, you should be able to jump right in to Canvas and use the manual to aid you in learning specific commands. If you’re a graphics novice, don’t despair. Canvas’ manual is very thorough! Weighing in at just under five pounds, it covers all of Canvas’ features and also helps the rank beginner through some basic Mac processes step by step. Deneba provides a tutorial which uses Voice Navigator and a complete documentation section in the manual. I did not use the tutorial. After skimming through the tutorial section in the manual, I decided I could get along without it. I’m sure a beginner will find it quite useful, however.</text>
<name>Review #4</name>
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<text>Canvas 3.0</text>
<text>..........................................................Pat Ten Eyke</text>
<text>It’s a QuickDraw program! It’s a PostScript program! It’s a paint program! It’s a CAD program! Actually, it’s all four, plus a lot of other bells and whistles, too. It’s the new release of Canvas from Deneba Software. Sounds like Canvas is trying to be the-only-graphics-package-you’ll-ever-need? Perhaps. Deneba is confident enough of their product to offer to take your old copy of Freehand, Illustrator, MacDraw or MacDraft off your hands and replace it with Canvas 3.0 for $149.00 (the full retail price is $399.00, street price about $249). For the person who has not yet bought a sophisticated drawing program, Canvas may indeed be the only one you’ll need.The program requires a Mac Plus or later, 2 megs of RAM, a hard drive and System 6.0 or later. There are work-arounds for the memory and hard drive requirements, but they limit the operation of the program. I tested Canvas on an LC with 6 megs of RAM,</text>
<text>using System 6.07. With all tools installed, you will have used about 5 megs of hard drive space. Installing Canvas took about a half an hour as the installer decompressed the multitudes of files on four disks. Canvas is designed with an “open architecture” which allows the user to load as many of the tools as needed for a particular project.While it is not a full-featured paint program or CAD program, its drawing capabilities are quite complete. It supports bezier curves and gradient fills as well as the polygon shapes common to QuickDraw programs. It has the basic tools necessary to create paint objects (yes, I know that’s an oxymoron) at 72 to 300 pixels per inch and supports dimensioning for CAD drawings. It also has a terrific feature called Smart Mouse which is similar Smart Mouse</text>
<name>Canvas 3.0</name>
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<text>Apple Market Center</text>
<text>..................A Unique Resource</text>
<text>The Apple Market Center in Phoenix is designed to showcase the latest in Apple's technology and solutions, and provide a local hub for market activities including seminars, demonstrations and customer meetings.The Market Center also serves as a new tool for Apple business partners - including our Authorized Apple Dealers, Value-Added Resellers, consultants and other third party solution providers - working together with Apple to promote the Macintosh advantage.In addition to the general attendance seminars listed below, the Market Center sponsors open houses for new product announcements, specially designed third-party events, and customer demonstrations specifically designed to meet the needs of an individual Apple account.</text>
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<text>AMUG MAIN</text>
<text>For futher info and dates for Satellite Meeting Groups call the AMUG InfoLine at (602) 892-2402 or call the following Satellite Meeting Directors.</text>
<text>AMUG TEMPE Dorman Bullard 962-9619AMUG WEST Chris Gehlker 866-9024</text>
<text>Microseeds and Timeworks</text>
<text>Thursday May 21 7PM</text>
<text>Thursday June 25 7PM</text>
<text>Deltapoint, Deneba, And OnTechnology</text>
<text>Thursday April 16 7PM</text>
<text>Members Auction</text>
<text>Saturday May 16 12-6PM</text>
<text>Claris and Now Software (Now Up-TO-Date)</text>
<text><span class="style24">Tempe Mission Palms(Located at 5th st & Mill )Please call meeting Coordinator,Paul Valach at 967-3706 for more information.</span></text>
<name>AMUG Calandar</name>
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<text>be at Keystone (5245 S. 39th St., Phoenix). Call me or Keystone (437-4944) for directions. The meeting will be a discussion of“imagesetters,” the wonderfully arcane pieces of image output equipment that can bring you joy or despair. You will have the chance to learn what an imagesetter is (see and touch), what it does, how it works, and what you have to do to work efficiently with it.By the time you are reading this, the Microsoft Word 5.0 Companion, handbook will probably be available. It will be at the Best of… table, the Clubhouse and at the next SIG meeting.Lea BromleySIG Coordinator</text>
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<text>general question and answer meeting, or chalk it up to bad luck and go home. Everyone voted to stay and talk; and I’m fairly sure no one regretted the decision.We started with a discussion about printers and moved to font problems, viruses, system mainte-nance and similar stuff. Having a power user like Gary Fields was a real advantage. Sincere thanks, Gary!! And thanks to Darin, Carol and Jamie for doing their best to help.PostScript Vaccine 103 is a virus controller we discussed at the meeting. It is aimed at a virus that attacks PostScript ROM chip IDs. It is available on the bulletin board and on the Best of… Virus IV disk which you can pick up at the next AMUG meeting or at the Clubhouse (806 E. Amelia, Phoenix).APRIL meeting is aimed at anyone who does or wants to do, long documents. </text>
<text>Hopefully, we will have a discussion about the software, techniques and planning considerations involved. The grouping of “long documents” consists of projects such as manuals, scripts, books, magazines, catalogs and multipage newsletters (and others you might wish to add). Bring your questions, problems, ideas and samples of work you have done or pieces you admire. On the list for possible attendance are people who work with FrameMaker, PageMaker, Interleaf, Quark, and Microsoft Word. If you have made other software behave with long documents, come and add your experience!As mentioned last month, please note that the May meeting will be at Keystone (5245 S. 39th St., Phoenix). Call me or Keystone (437-4944) for directions. The meeting will </text>
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<text>April 28, TuesdayDealing with long documentsFrameMaker/Interleaf/PageMakerMay 26, TuesdayKeystone5245 S. 39th Street, PhoenixImagesetters and such.June 23, TuesdayNewslettersFuture meetings will be announced as soon as specifics are available.LOCATION/TIMEAll meetings will be from 6–9 p.m.(first half hour/get acquainted)Pyle Recreation Center in Tempe Located on Southern west of Rural Rd For more information call Lea Bromley – 838-4036</text>
<text>MARCH might have been a disappointment if it had not been for some very good spirited people. The SIG has been in existence for about a year and all that success and good luck finally ran out. The featured speaker was to have been John Spensieri of Micrographix West–the subject, color printers. Mr. Spensieri’s secretary called the morning of the meeting to let me know he had been called out of town and would not be able to speak.I called several enthusiastic supporters of the SIG for some emergency assistance. Darin Jones of Microage Corporate, Carol Gary of Microage-Mesa, and Jamie White of Hewlet Packard all tried to assist, but to no avail. So at the meeting time, I asked the 16–20 attendees if they would like to have a </text>
<name>from the desktop..</name>
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<text>as Now Utilities 3.0 in this table.I highly recommend this package andconsider it or all the individual packages in the previous table necessities for any user who uses their computer often. Gary P. Fields</text>
<text>.....................................Gary P. Fields</text>
<text>the user a popup menu bar anywhere that the cursor is currently located. This popup menu bar is very handy for any user with a large monitor.Startup Manager gives the user a way to control all their extensions. The following are features included in StartUp Manager:– The ability to turn extensions on and of easily.– The ability to reorder the loading order of extensions.– A linking feature which ensures that mutually needed or incompatible extensions do or do not load at startup.– Adjust system heap automatically.SuperBoomerang allows the user to access recently used files and folders very quickly from the Apple Menu, a popout menu from the open entry in the File menu, and in most save and open dialogue boxes. SuperBoomerang also has fairly </text>
<text><span class="style1">omplete file management from with inthe save and open dialogue boxes</span><span class="style24">Now Utilities Individual Utilities List</span><span class="style1">AlarmsClock Alarming Events $129.95DeskPicture Wallpaper $69.95MultiMaster OnCue II $99.95NowMenus HAM $89.95NowSave AutoSave II $49.95ProfilerScreenLocker AfterDark $49.95StartUpManager INIT Manager $59.95SuperBoomerang (OnDisk part of OnCue II)WYSIWYG Menus SuperFontina $69.95 TOTALS $129.95 $619.60The relative worth of the Now Utilities 3.0 package is shown by the comparison of stand alone utilities with the same functions </span></text>
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<text>....................................Gary P. Fields</text>
<text>•WYSIWYG Menus – Font menu utilityI could write a book about all this packages features, but due to space limitations I am only going to cover the main utilities, Multimaster, NowMenus, StartUpManager, and SuperBoomerang.Multimaster allows the user to launch applications and open files with either the keyboard or mouse from a configureble list with an additional benefit of being able to adjust program memory allocations on the fly.NowMenus adds submenus to the Apple Menu which under System 7 gives the user complete, quick, and simple access to everything on the users drives. It also gives </text>
<text>This package contains 10 utilities that enhance the Macintosh operating system. While this package is intended to work with both 6.X and 7.X, it’s true usefulness is only discovered under 7.X.The utilities in the Now Utilities 3.0 are:•AlarmsClock – Configurable menu bar clock and alarms•DeskPicture – Desktop picture replacement for the desktop pattern•MultiMaster – Application and file launch utility•NowMenus – Apple hierarchal menu creation and popup menu bar•NowSave – Auto save utility•Profiler – Computer resource analyzer•Screenlocker – Password protection and screen saver•Startup Manager – Controls system extensions•SuperBoomerang – File management utility</text>
<name>Now Utilities 3.0</name>
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<text>package for $69. I am committed to doing a review of this package. However, before I’ve even used either I’m prepared to say this is one heck of a deal based on a lot of comments I’ve heard, and the fact that MacUser gives each 5 mice, their highest rating.Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text>Bits & Pieces</text>
<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
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<text><span class="style1">hould be out “by the time you read this.” Others in the know suggest this is wrong by at least half a year. However, you can expect module releases from time-to-time, examples of which were the QuickTime and Tuneup modules. I don’t know what to expect, but I consider it a duty to pass along all rumors.</span><span class="style5">SuperLaserSpool 3.0 Ships at Last</span><span class="style1">All registered owners of SLS and SuperSpool who purchased their copies prior to August 1, 1991 may now upgrade for $30. You may contact customer support at 800-873-4384. A partial list of features include System 7 compatibility; background printing; supports a wide range of PostScript, Ink, and Apple dot matrix printers; ability to disregard FAX Modem and other chooser level devices; preview; pause and delete; multiple printer output per document.</span></text>
<text><span class="style1"></span><span class="style5">AlSoft Power Utilities Disk Express & Master Juggler</span><span class="style1">In some of our classes we recommend that (depending on your habits) you might consider getting and using a defragmentation utility. DiskExpress is one that is highly recommended. We have also suggested the use of a resource manager to handle fonts, desk accessories, sounds, and FKeys. Both Suitcase 2 and Alsoft’s MasterJuggler get good reviews. Now we find that you can get both DiskExpress II and MasterJuggler and 5 other utilities in the AlSoft Power Utilities package. MacConnection (800-800-4444) lists this </span></text>
<text>Bits & Pieces</text>
<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
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<text>white using the Character Format command. Tom Holloway tried this but couldn’t get it to look right, so he thought it wasn’t working. A call to MicroSoft provided the answer. It is not supposed to look right on the screen, but it will print out OK. You can experiment, but on my non-postscript LaserWriter giving the text the outline style improved the printed version. This may not be necessary (or even desirable) on a Postscript printer.Here’s a tip from Steve Kahn, the author of a book on Word 4.0 (and he’s working on a book for Word 5.0): “.....here’s a little Word 5 tip that’s not documented in the manual. You now can change an already typed document from word processing quotes to smart-quotes or the other way around fairly easily and painlessly, or vice versa, using the “Replace...” command (Edit menu).</text>
<text><span class="style1">or example, if you have a document that was typed all in “straight” quotes and you want to change it to typographic (smart) quotes, just set Smart Quotes to on (Tools Menu/Preferences/General), and then run two global replace operations: one for double quotes and one for single quotes. You don’t have to type a curly quote in the replace field; Word will automatically run the replace operation as a Smart Quotes operation if Smart Quotes is on. And if you need to strip out smart quotes for telecom or such, then do exactly the same thing with smart quotes turned off.”</span><span class="style5">System 7.1 Anyone?</span><span class="style1">Don Crabb, the well known columnist and author, states in an article in the February 92 issue of Byte magazine that system 7.1 </span></text>
<text>Bits & Pieces</text>
<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
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<text><span class="style1">QuickTime Tools” will be available with the HyperCard Development kit ($199.00). Registered users of HyperCard 2.0 or 2.1 can get an update for 15.00. The update is free if you purchased HyperCard 2.1 after December 1, 1991.</span><span class="style5">Problems with System 7 Tuneup</span><span class="style1">According to an Apple representative, Apple has confirmed a bug in the tuneup for Laserwriter 7.1 and LaserWriter Plus class printers. Things aren’t cleaned up properly so after a while you start getting print errors. For now, all folks seeing these errors where stuff prints and then stops should downgrade to LW 7.0 again.Also, a number of people have reported that after running the Tune-Up installer, the new chooser version 7.1 was not installed. At least one of those reporting this had removed the Chooser from the Apple Menu Items folder. I don’t know if that is the only reason, but if it happened</span></text>
<text><span class="style1">appened to you just remove the old Chooser and install the new one in the Apple Menu Items folder (or wherever you want it).</span><span class="style5">MicroSoft Word 5.0 Stuff</span><span class="style1">Have you noticed a new font appearing in your System lately called “MT Extras”? Wonder where it came from? If so, you must have just installed MicroSoft Word 5.0. MT Extras is a font used by the Equations Editor of Word 5.0. Apparently the font is installed even if you choose not to install the Equations editor. Just trash it if you don’t use the Equations Editor.Have you tried using text in a gray-shaded paragraph with a border around it? The text may not stand out, so you can color the text </span></text>
<text>Bits & Pieces</text>
<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
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<text><span class="style1">eans you must trash them and let the system/finder create some new files. How do you do that? Well there is a utility developed by Salient (the DiskDoubler and AutoDoubler publishers) called “DeskTop Reset” which will do that for you automatically on startup. Salient developed this program for other purposes, but authorized its distribution when they became aware of the disappearing folder problem. I will make sure it is on our bulletin board system if it is not there yet.Some suggest that after running DeskTop Reset you should run DiskFirstAid and other directory repair programs such as Norton’s Disk Doctor if available. If these will not repair any problem you should backup and reinitialize.</span><span class="style5">MicroCom Updates the 911 Utilities</span><span class="style1">MicroCom will provide a free upgrade to version 1.1 of the Microcom 911 Utilities.</span></text>
<text><span class="style1">According to MacWEEK (January 6 issue) the new version adds System 7 compatibility plus FileKnit, a defragementation program. This free update includes all the utilities, including the update to version 2.0 of Complete Undelete. If you bought the Complete Undelete package separately the update price is $15.00. Note: I called to order the updates but was advised that registered owners will be mailed an order form for the updates, or a notice in the case of Complete Undelete only users. I was told the updates were shipping. However, I just heard they had not shipped as of the first of March.</span><span class="style5">HyperCard and QuickTime</span><span class="style1">A new stack by Claris Corp. allows HyperCard 2.1 to play and control (but not edit) QuickTime movies. The new stack called </span></text>
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<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text><span class="style1">y the author who was stated to be working on some bugs. I can’t find a copy of that version (perhaps if someone has it they will consider uploading to the BBS).</span><span class="style5">Disappearing Folders Under System 7</span><span class="style1">Apple has admitted a bug under system 7 which results in folders becoming invisible. The folders are still there and you can find them with a search if you know their names. A fix is being developed. What if you don’t know which folders are missing? Here’s a workaround that was posted recently on Applelink which Gene Steinberg passed along:“View by name and find the first (alphabetically lowest) folder you can. “Choose ‘Find...,” click More Options, and find all files in the window with a create </span></text>
<text>data after 1/1/04, all at once. This should make all ‘hidden’ icons in the window reappear. (Don’t do ‘on the hard disk;’ it will expand the hierarchy.) “Deselect the folder you located in the first step, and drag all highlighted items into it.” “I’ve tried this dragging all the found icons to the desktop, too and that seems to work.“The icons will stop disappearing, allowing you to do backups as necessary....” If DiskFirstAid reports damage that cannot be repaired, you’d have to consider reformatting at this point after a full backup.”There is another report that one way to fix the problem is to re-create the DeskTop files. That is not the same as rebuilding them. It</text>
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<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text>purposes it will act like a floppy (a “read only” floppy). That is, you can open it, copy all of it or files from it onto another drive, etc. And you can run programs from the disk image too! In fact, this is a neat way of installing a new system software, and perhaps other software needing an installer to work properly. If you mount all the system disks you can then run the installer from the mounted Install 1 disk image. And here is the neat part: Since all the install disks are mounted, Apple’s installer program will find all the disks needed for the installation. That means you can go get a cup of coffee, since you will not be asked to insert the disks one at a time. And here is another neat aspect, if you do not have a 1.4 Meg floppy drive but the system disks are 1.4 MEG. For example the System 7.0.1 disks are provided only on 1.4 Meg floppies. If you can get the images onto your hard drive, you can mount them and use the installer. You can get the 1.4 </text>
<text>Meg images onto your hard drive by downloading them, or having a friend attach an external hard drive with the images on it to your Mac . Or, perhaps the 1.4 Meg images can be separated into multiple parts with a utility such as Stuffit Deluxe or Disk Doubler so they can be stored on 800K floppies and assembled onto your drive.A couple of gotchas though. If you do have a 1.4 Meg floppy drive and try to read in a 1.4 Meg floppy disk you will need to increase the memory partition size of Apple’s Disk Copy program since it must have enough memory to read the entire floppy in all at once. The other gotcha is that the current version of Mount Image will only mount 4 image files. There was a version that would mount up to 8 images, but it was withdrawn </text>
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<text>If you do need to create startup disks that are in this category, one way to do it is to use “Apple Disk Copy” which is available on our BBS. With this program you read in a floppy, and then can make a one-pass, exact replica of the disk. This not only solves both the startup and boot blocks problem, but also solves a lot of other problems when installer disks need to be exact to install properly. For this reason, many BBSs, including our own, are making image copies of system software available for download instead of compressed copies of a disk. And it is ideal when you need to copy multiple copies of a disk. You can set it for multiple copies and it automatically spits out a completed disk and starts a new copy on insert. With a two-floppy drive set up, the second drive can already contain a floppy ready to be copied.There is also another set of advantages. After reading in the source floppy, instead </text>
<text>of copying to disk you can save it as an “image file” onto a hard drive. Then, using the Disk Copy program, you can read the image from the file rather from a floppy, then make the copy. Obviously this is much faster than reading a floppy, so it is a good way to store images when you expect to make floppy copies of it later. Some people will compress such files and copy them to a floppy for storage. If you are using 800 K disks you will have to compress the image, since with the necessary overhead it is too large to fit otherwise.And there is another potential advantage using another Apple program, a control panel device called “Mount Image.” This program will mount an image file created as described above so that for all practical </text>
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<text><span class="style1">ay wish to set AutoDoubler to leave your Quicken data files alone.Incidentally the reporter said that the technician stated that if they sent their disk in, they would extract their data for $150.00!!! Later on he called back, got another technician who said the repair would either be free, or cost $5.00, depending on the cause.</span><span class="style5">Copying System Disks</span><span class="style1">One method for copying disks is the so-called drag method. Using this method you drag the icon of the source disk onto that of the target disk (if you only have a single floppy drive you will have to eject, but not dismount the source disk first). This method is among the fastest, and works well under System 6.x. However, under System 7 this method will not work with certain “startup” disks.”</span></text>
<text>If the source disk is not a “normal” startup disk, then the new disk will not be a startup disk. The example that brought this up was that of the Install 1 disks for System 7. These disks have a System file, but no Finder file. The boot blocks have code that identifies the Installer program as the file to be treated as the Finder, that is: to launch on startup. However, it appears the Finder will not create these identical bootblocks on the target disk. Accordingly, when you try to use them as a startup disk a crash will result. By the way, in case a lot of people now wonder if their back up System 7 disks are OK, not to worry. Apple’s Installer program doesn’t have to be on a startup disk to work (but it cannot be on the drive onto which you are installing the system).</text>
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<text><span class="style1">Serial number ranges:* 7000001 through 7101012* 5378111 through 5624450* 9000001 through 9029500</span><span class="style5">MICE</span><span class="style1">•Manufactured in Taiwan between October and December 1990 are susceptible to a defect that makes pressing the mouse button have no effect.•Serial number range LT043xxxxxx and LT051xxxxxx.•Free replacement through March 23, 1994.</span><span class="style5">POWERBOOK TRACKBALLS</span><span class="style1">•Electrical problem in some PB140 and 170 units.•Can temporarily disable third-party devices attached to the notebooks’ ADB.•Free replacement of the trackball.By the way, I don’t have the details, but I recall seeing that Apple had extended the </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">ree repair period for some of their 20 Mb internal drives. This problem first became known some time ago (perhaps a year or more). So, you might check with your dealer on this too if it applies to you.</span><span class="style5">AutoDoubler / Quicken 3.0 Problem?</span><span class="style1">I only have one report of this, but since it can be pretty devastating, and since I know a lot of our members use these products I will pass it along. The report said that due to the problem, Quicken might ask you for a password before letting you open your file, even if you have never assigned a password! The reporter stated that Intuit told him they had several people call in with this problem, and that they attributed it to “these so-called disk doubling packages.” Accordingly, you </span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">anders, a form AMUG member who has moved to Dallas, Texas:“Boy, do I miss AMUG! I understand there are several Mac user groups in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. I have attended only one meeting of the </span><span class="style17">(name withheld by me, DLB)</span><span class="style1"> in the Dallas area, and they charged me $3.00 admission just to visit the first time! There are no monthly shareware handout disks included with your membership (but only $24/yr) as we have in AMUG. Instead they have a “Disk of the Month” which members and others can purchase for $3 per copy. Tell the AMUG members what a BARGAIN they are getting for their annual dues.”</span><span class="style5">Apple “Recalls”</span><span class="style1">Apple has several recall programs going on now. The “recall” will apply even if you are out of warranty or have already paid for a product repair or replacement.</span></text>
<text><span class="style1">n the latter case, I assume (but I don’t know, so check it out) the repair must have been by an authorized Apple dealer, and you need to have a receipt. By the way, don’t be surprised if your dealer is not aware of some of these recalls. Sometimes the information of an upcoming recall leaks before Apple gets the word to their dealers. Sometimes even before the word gets to Apple Customer support as I personally found out!</span><span class="style5">APPLE COLOR HIGH-RESOLUTION RGB MONITOR.</span><span class="style1">•Defective high-voltage capacitor in certain displays manufactured between March 1990 and July 22, 1991.•Can cause the Mac as well as the monitor to shut down unexpectedly.</span></text>
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<text>..........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text><span class="style5">ustomizing Word 4.0</span><span class="style1">In teaching a class on MicroSoft Word 4.0 recently, I mentioned a file AMUG has which is of help in customizing Word. Since I couldn’t remember its name or location, I will cover it here for those that may be interested. By the way, even those that have upgraded or will be upgrading to Word 5.0 may find it of interest, since Word 4 configuration files can be used with Word 5.0.The file contains the text of a chapter from MicroSoft Word 4.0 for the Macintosh by Stephen Kahn. The chapter is entitled “Setting Defaults and Customizing Word.” It appeared in the November 1990 issue of AMUG’s Get Info magazine. In addition, the file contains three settings files you can use with explanations of why you would use each one. I have used the advanced version (with some modification) for </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">uite some time. I use tables very often and this version moved allthe pertinent table commands into a work menu. Now I don’t have to go searching for them. The file is on our library disk number 148. And it is available on the AMUG I bulletin board system as “CustomWord”.</span><span class="style5">Letter from former AMUG’er</span><span class="style1">Here’s an excerpt from a letter from Don </span></text>
<name>Bits & Pieces</name>
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<text><span class="style1"> want to thank all the participants in the digest cover redesign contest for their entries. All the entrents were given an Amug products award as a thank you for their efforts. The winner was Joann Caroselli. Her cover will be used on the next four digests.</span><span class="style5">Congratulations Joann!!!</span><span class="style1"></span></text>
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<text>I want to thank all the contributors for their help on the Newsletter. The next Publication that we need articles for is the June digest.Articles must be submitted by the 5th of the May for inclusion in the June Newsletter.Submit your articles to me at:Gary P. Fields5515 North 7th Street – Suite 5-108Phoenix, Arizona85014-2531or upload them to the Newsletter File Section of AMUG I BBS at 495-1713 or AMUG II BBS at947-0587 or AMUG Preferred at 926-4026/437-9622 or call me at home at 263-8746 and we can make some kind of arrangements.</text>
<text>If you or anyone you know would like to advertise in the Newsletter or Digest; please contact Charlie Mort at 496-4577, Lea Bromley at 838-4036 or myself at 263-8746.The Newcomers Meeting starts at 6:00 P.M. and the Beginners Meeting starts at 7:30.</text>
<name>The Editor's Zone</name>
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<text>The PRESIDENTS’ Desk</text>
<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text>Mission Palms, located at 50 E. 5th St. in Tempe. Last time we had hundreds of items available at a fraction of their value. DO NOT MISS this event. You will be able to bring your items in for sale from 12-1PM and the auction will start promptly at 1:00PM.•On May 21, 1992 AMUG will host Microseeds and TimeWorks.This meeting will be at 7:00PM in Tempe at the Sheraton Tempe Mission Palms, located at 50 E. 5th St. Tempe, AZ .Happy Mac’ing,</text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style1">Paris. Call 277-5006 for more information.</span><span class="style5">Resedit/Excel Book Special...</span><span class="style1">AMUG has a limited number of Resedit Complete Books and Excel 3 Companions available for 40% off. These great values will not last for long. Call 277-5006 for more information.</span><span class="style5">AMUG “Best of” Stores…</span><span class="style1">Purchase The Arizona Macintosh Users Group “Best of” series at one of four locations:• Mesa Computer Mart - 1155 E. Main in Mesa at (602) 833-1155• Software City - 5515 N. 7th Street in Phoenix at (602) 264-1422• Sofware - 4001 E. Thomas Road in Phoenix at (602) 954-7638Now no matter which side of town you live on you will have access to the AMUG “Best </span></text>
<text>of” series. Be sure to tell these dealers you appreciate their carrying the AMUG disks. Their efforts and your purchases keep AMUG programs the best in Arizona!Future AMUG Events:In the coming months AMUG™ has many events planned. •On May 16, 1992 from 12-6PM AMUG will host its annual members, Macintosh software and hardware auction GALORE. This event will be at the Tempe Sheraton Tempe </text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style1"> 5). BBS in a BOX Volume V 6). Quark Express Tips and Tricks Book 7). FileForce – Relational Database 8). Shredder– File deletion 9). Last Resort – Key stroke saver 10). Quick Letter – DA for letters and Short Documents 11). Instant Update – Live documents for groups 12). Meeting Maker – Group scheduler 13). Scenery Upgrade for Flight Simulator 14). MacBible Guide to FileMaker Pro 15). ShadowWriter – Personal Printers sharing softwareSee Lea Bromley for the rest of this list!</span><span class="style5">AMUG Specials....800K External Special...</span><span class="style1">AMUG has negotiated a group buy on Fujitsu 800K disk drives for the Macintosh computer. These drives come with a 2 year warranty and are available for $98.96 each.</span></text>
<text><span class="style1">or further information on this special,call Michael Bromley (602) 838-4036.</span><span class="style5">Panoramic CD-ROM Special...</span><span class="style1">AMUG has a limited number of beautiful picture CD-ROMs called Panoramic. These CD-ROM’s list for $119.00 but for a limited time you can purchase one of these disks with 110 pictures in 24, 8 bit and gray scale for $59.00. Call 277-5006 for more information.</span><span class="style5">Mac Music CD-ROM Special...</span><span class="style1">AMUG has a acquired a Music CD from France that produced with Macintosh MIDI technology. We have these great Music CD’s available for $12.00 from Patrick Pillon in </span></text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text>20% of retail value. This equates to 80% off the retail price! This program will help AMUG and its members in the following ways:1) Members can acquire valuable software packages at a minimal cost. 2) Members can try before they buy. 3) It will provide software for our annual AMUG fund raiser and auction. Call Lea Bromley at (602) 838-4036 and get more information about this program.Software that is available for review currently includes: 1). PosterMaker 2). DiskMaker – Universal disk formatting software 3). World Atlas 4). Little Mac Word Book </text>
<text><span class="style5">LEASE HELP!</span><span class="style1">We need folks who would like to help answer phones at the Clubhouse, bulk mail newsletters, copy disks, and other AMUG duties. If you have time to volunteer please call us at 277-5006.</span><span class="style5">AMUG Newsletter Reviews…</span><span class="style1">Over the years the AMUG Newsletter has always needed articles and tidbits of information. We provide the following to enhance members’ desires to review software for AMUG News™Each month in the President’s desk I will list software packages that are available for review by AMUG members. Reviews for the products listed will be expected within 30-45 days of receipt of the package. The member who reviews the product will have the option to purchase the reviewed item at </span></text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text>membership. That sure beats $99.00 from other sources. Send your order to AMUG, 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234. We now have 190 AMUG preferred users on-line!Your support of the AMUG Preferred’s Iconic Telecom system is necessary to maintain this service. If you need additional time to download those large files, want the icon interface or maybe just want more options? AMUG Preferred is for you!Central Phoenix line is(602) 437-9622.East Valley line is(602) 926-4026AMUG Preferred is linked with AMUG I, AMUG II, and Tigers Den for messaging. To use this feature, just double click on the </text>
<text><span class="style1">“Echoes” icon and post in any of the available on-line conferences. Messages posted in any of these echoes are posted around the world to Mac Users everywhere. We hope you enjoy these new features on AMUG Preferred! To join AMUG Preferred send $25.00 to “AMUG, 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.” Include your first name and last name and a password you wish to use. This will provide you access for 1 year. A bargain by any standard!</span><span class="style5">AMUG Volunteers...</span><span class="style1">The Arizona Macintosh Users Group is in need of several volunteers for club services. We need the following positions filled as soon as possible and your help would be appreciated.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">he AMUG Clubhouse is here for you stop in and see us. If you need help call 602-277-5006. The AMUG Clubhouse has the answers or will get them for you.</span><span class="style5">AMUG CD Vol. V Hits the Streets...</span><span class="style1">With all of the success we have experienced from the AMUG CD series we have now released Volume V. This volume contains the new Apple 7.0.1 System Software, Tech notes, and 9,000 files in compressed format for BBS or personal use on 24 topics. These items include:over 78 AppleLink items, 270 Adobe Screen font files, 100 MUG items, 280 Art files, 430 Business tools, 400 DA’s, 340 Fonts, 480 Games, 1000 HyperCard tools, MacTechnical Notes, 350 MUG Newsletter Reviews, 110 MIDI files, 210 Music files, 50 QuickTime Tools, 400 Programer tools, 600 Telecom files, 110 System 7 tools, Decompression applications, 1100 utilities </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">or the Macintosh, 500 Word processingtools and support articles plus much more! This CD-ROM also has Roget’s Thesaurus, a World FactBook and the Works of Shakespear, Special Music and Art collections never previously released, HyperCard 2.1 and several directory tools. AMUG also has a special for $599 on the BBS in a BOX CD-ROM and the Apple SC Plus drive. Call 277-5006 and reserve yours today!</span><span class="style5">System 7.01...</span><span class="style1">System 7.01 has arrived and AMUG has a great upgrade available to you. All six System 7.01 disks with great labels are available with a System 7.0 book for the looooow price of $39.00 including a 3 month </span></text>
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<text>The PRESIDENTS’ Desk</text>
<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style5">MUG Club House Open</span><span class="style1">For those members who cannot always make it to the main meetings and wish to purchase Macintosh books at 20% off of retail, the AMUG Club House is now open. We have Resedit, Excel, Word 5, Inside Mac, programing books and much more available. You can also get great AMUG T-Shirts, Disks and CD-ROM’s at this location. Hours will be 10:00AM to 6:00PM each day but call first as we have to run out at times. Call Lea Bromley or Michael Bean at 277-5006 . The Club house is located at 806 E. Amelia, Phoenix, AZ 85014. This temporary site is working great until we can find a more permanent location in Tempe. Soon we hope to provide copying of AMUG library disks at $1.00 each provided you bring your own disks. You can also get disks at the Clubhouse for $1.00 each.</span></text>
<text><span class="style1">2-1PM and the auction will start promptly at 1:00PM. See the coupon on Page 5 to be attached to your items for the auction!</span><span class="style5">AMUG QuickTime Contest!</span><span class="style1">The Arizona Macintosh Users Group will host a QuickTime presentation contest starting March 1, 1992 and ending April 1, 1992. All participants must have their submission in no later than April 1, 1992. The contest will be open to all Quick Time presentations created by the Macintosh community. A board of officials will be selected for judging based on originality and creativity. Video, Slide show, Music and cartoon entries are all encouraged. First place will win $200 in AMUG Bucks which can be used for disks, books, T-Shirts and CD-ROM’s from AMUG. Call Michael Bean at 602-277-5006 to register your entry today!</span></text>
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<text>The PRESIDENTS’ Desk</text>
<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text>market with them. Apple computer is working on several new anti-piracy campaigns. It seems they are adding up the number of Macintosh computers sold and comparing that to software sold and the figures do not match up. Look for the more copy protection.QuickTime is being revamped to accommodate MIDI in the next release. Look for lots of great Music support for those QuickTime Movies.The Pink operating system is off and running. IBM and Apple have formed Taligent. This company will develop an Apple operating system to run off of IBM’s new RISC chips. Looks like a hot process. I contacted shareware author Rosenstein to get permission to place his great tools in the AMUG Library and got a response from</text>
<text><span class="style1">he Taligent AppleLink account. Expect huge speed increases and Macintosh to change in a big way. Apple is taking great care to lead everyone to believe that the new Taligent venture will not effect Macintosh support. All I can say is we’ll be in good company with the Apple II folks!</span><span class="style5">Members Auction 1992</span><span class="style1">Its that time again! On May 16, 1992 AMUG will host its annual members Macintosh software and hardware auction GALORE. This event will be from 12-6PM on May 16, 1992 at the Sheraton Tempe Mission Palms, located at 60 E. 5th St. in Tempe. Last time we had hundreds of items available at a fraction of their value. DO NOT MISS this event. You will be able to bring your items in for sale from </span></text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text>The PRESIDENTS’ Desk</text>
<text>for those folks that have color Macintosh computers. QuickTime from AMUG is $6.00 for the two disk set or $20 for all five disks including three disks worth of movies. If you have not seen QuickTime you really should try it.As many of you know Apple is working on a Voice recognition system code named Muse. Voice recognition for the Mac is not too far off. We are also seeing changes in distribution with Apple agreeing to sell Macintosh to Marisel and several other distributors. The comment by Apple is that this will be to support VAR’s for the Macintosh. However, I believe this is one step closer to buying your Macintosh from your Sears catalog. Times are changing and Apple and the consumer electronic retail </text>
<text><span class="style5">MUG Hosts Claris and Now Utilities</span><span class="style1">On April 16, 1992 AMUG will host Claris and Now Utilities. This meeting will be at 7:00PM in Tempe at the Sheraton Tempe Mission Palms, located at 60 E. 5th St. Tempe, AZ. Claris will be showing us MacWrite II, Resolve and FileMaker Pro. Now Utilities will show all their neat System 7 tools. REMEMBER this is our new meeting place in TEMPE!We moved from the Radisson as our rates were being raised and they refused to honor committments for meetings more than 30 days in advance.</span><span class="style5">New items from Apple Computer</span><span class="style1">Apple has released version 1.0 of QuickTime and AMUG has it available along with the new System 7.0 TuneUp disk. Expect improved memory and printing performance from the update. QuickTime is</span></text>
<name>President's Desk</name>
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<name>Disk Listing</name>
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<text>Canvas 3.0 (Review).......................Word 5.0 (Review)..........................OPCODE MIDIPLAY..........................Amug Training...............................Best of...............................................Best of Disk Listings ......................</text>
<text> 2</text>
<text>AMUG Training:AMUG is happy to announce an arrangement with Phoenix College to use their Microcomputer Lab for our classes. This is exciting as we will have 29 Macintosh LC computers to use, so we can do more hands-on type of training with a minimum of setup time. As a result, all prior announcements of classes in this section are cancelled and are being rescheduled.Schedules are not quite entirely firm at this time, but we are tentatively announcing the Canvas 3.0 hands-on session for February 1, 1992 at the Phoenix College, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The lab is in the basement of the Library Building (building L) which is on the South side of the Campus. Park in the North parking area, on 15th Avenue just North of Thomas Road. NOTE: You must call the AMUG Information, 277-5142, to verify the date, place, and time prior to February 1, 1992We will also be rescheduling our introductory classes. These classes will be held in the evenings from 6-8 PM. There will be three 2-hour sessions starting in mid-February. The classes will use MacWrite 5.0 and MacPaint 2.0 as example applications. These classes will be repeated about 10 weeks later.We will also be having three 2-hour sessions on MicroSoft Word starting near the end of February or Early March.By the time you read this, the schedules should be firm. Since we will also have some Phoenix College faculty and staff in the classes, the number of attendees will be limited. Accordingly you will need to make reservations by calling Dorman Bullard, 962-9619 prior to 1 February 1992</text>
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